Module Brief:
This project helps you to understand the role of the Design Manager by developing a bespoke design process that will be implemented later for your Major Project on the MSc Product Design course. Specifically, you are required to create and justify a bespoke Design Process that includes relevant stages, methodologies and quality assurance methods for the development of a product, experience or service.


1. Create a Visualisation of the Design Process that:
• Illustrates all appropriate Design Steps and Methodologies to an informed ‘non-design’ professional.

2. A 10 – 15 Minute PowerPoint Presentation that:
• Justifies the bespoke design process within the critical context and appraisal of existing design processes.
• Justifies the selection of design methodologies for each design step within the
critical context and appraisal of existing design methodologies.
• Justifies the selection of design process management tools and digital design
methods within the critical context and appraisal of existing technologies.
• Use EDGE to critically evaluate and reflect on the role of the design processes.
• A chronological timeline of the design process within the timeframe of the MSc
major Project.
Visualisation of my Design Process:
Powerpoint Presentation:

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